Silex invented and developed the ‘SILEX’ laser isotope separation technology in Sydney during the 1990’s. The uranium enrichment application of the SILEX technology was licensed exclusively in 2006 to Global Laser Enrichment LLC (‘GLE’), a joint venture business today owned by Silex (51%) and Cameco Corporation (49%). GLE is the commercialisation vehicle for the SILEX uranium enrichment technology and is based in Wilmington, North Carolina.
The development and commercialisation program for the SILEX uranium enrichment technology is being undertaken jointly by Silex (at its Lucas Heights, Sydney facility) and GLE.
Silex and GLE have continued to accelerate construction of full-scale laser and separator equipment being deployed in GLE’s Test Loop facility in Wilmington, with the aim of completing a commercial-scale pilot demonstration (TRL-6) of the SILEX technology around mid-2025, with the completion of the TRL-6 demonstration subject to an independent assessment and report. Attaining the TRL-6 level is a key milestone in the de-risking of the SILEX technology before the focus turns to the potential preparation for, and construction of, the first commercial SILEX uranium enrichment plant at the PLEF (see Nuclear Fuel Production Opportunities).